Natural Health News By Kevin Flatt
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Vitamin and Supplements Safety and Dangers – A Few Examples
Results of several large studies suggest that supplemental beta-carotene increases the risk of...
Celiac Disease Diet: Oats Intolerance Does Exist
Most patients with celiac disease can eliminate their symptoms by life-long adherence to a...
Trans Fats Increase LDL Cholesterol Levels
Research conducted by scientists at the Beltsville (Maryland) Human Nutrition Research Center...
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Phytochemicals
PoST UNDER CANCER GENERAL!!!Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Phytochemicals: Rosemary, the fragrant...
Diabetes Risk and High Blood Pressure Medications
Diabetes Risk and High Blood Pressure Medications: A greater diabetes risk in patients taking high...
Pregnancy and Depression Seeking Support – Part 5
Pregnancy and Depression Seeking Support. Management and treatment of their depression. Support...
Facts about Food Irradiation
Facts about Food Irradiation: The irradiation process involves passing food through an irradiation...
Menopause: Hormone Replacement Therapy and NSAIDs
There is currently a great deal of uncertainty regarding the effect of hormone replacement therapy...
Diabetes Health News 16 May 2008
Not All Fat Created EqualIt has long been known that type 2 diabetes is linked to obesity...
Physical Activity or Exercise? - Making a New Year's Resolution
Being fit in the New Year does not have to mean going to the gym.MANHATTAN - When starting a new...
Heart Disease - Red Wine Reduces Risk
Heart Disease - Red Wine Reduces Risk: Red wine contains a rich source of a large number of...
Facts about Chocolate & Antioxidants & Cocoa
Cocoa powder contains more beneficial antioxidants than other chocolate products, but processing...
Causes of Cognitive Losses in the Brain
What causes the cognitive part of the brain to stop working?Cognition can be defined as the mental...
Exercise Tips and Myths
Exercise Tips: University professor gives tips about exercise. K-State expert on physical fitness...
Causes of Eating Disorders
Causes of Eating Disorders - Eating disorders are an increasing public health problem among young...
Cataracts: High Carbohydrate Diets Increase Risk
High Carbohydrate Diets Increase Risk of Cataracts - Nutrition and health implications of...
Alternative to Skin Cancer Surgery
Dermatologists at Royal London Hospital and nine other United Kingdom skin cancer treatment centres...
Strong Abdominal Muscles Don’t Require Exercise Machines
Strong Abdominal Muscles Don’t Require Exercise Machines - MANHATTAN - If all you want for...
Diabetes in Dogs and Cats
Middle aged to older dogs are the more prone to developing diabetes. Even though cats of all ages...
The Atkins Low Carbohydrate Diet: Does It Work?
The Atkins low carbohydrate diet is the diet that promotes weight loss through the consumption of...
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